Floating Lounge On-Demand: Charmaine Lee (video)

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It didn’t surprise us at all that improvisor/vocalist Charmaine Lee showed up to deejay The Floating Lounge on July 1st with waaaay more music than we could ever hope to squeeze into 90 minutes. She’s like that…bold, inexhaustible, and boiling with creativity. Charmaine has been an important mentor to us as we swim out further into the inky waters of improvisation, and our collaboration on our upcoming record – Experiments in Living – is easily on of the most cool, most scary things we’ve ever attempted. We know you’ll get lit up both by her exuberance and her playlist, so dig in!


* denotes tracks we ran out of time for last night....bonus!

Luciano Berio Sequenza III https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGovCafPQAE

Erin Gee Mouthpiece I (2000) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f76Hb6wV4oA


Cecil Taylor - Indent (1973) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOtMTgYCgTY

Evan Parker - The Snake Decides (1986) https://youtu.be/xXUAX-gBEY0

* Henry Fraser - your soul is the size of a thread (2018) https://henryfraser.bandcamp.com/track/your-soul-is-the-size-of-a-thread


Eric Wubbels - the children of fire come looking for fire (2012) https://soundcloud.com/eric-wubbels/album-preview-the-children-of-fire-come-looking-for-fire-12

* Bryan Jacobs - Dis Un Il Im Ir https://soundcloud.com/bryanjacobs-1/dis-un-il-im-ir


Robert Ashley (1930) - Automatic Writing (1979) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh_TC8j_JkE

Andrea Pensado - Without Knowing Why (2015) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbztuglWap4

* Earle Browne - Octet No. 1 (1953) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTxX-7EAn94

SICKNESS - PostRock Harsh Electronic DSP (2004) https://youtu.be/bVKVUrsQqV4

SOPHIE - Lemonade (2015) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdLvp630plc