NYTimes: Julia Holter and the Spektral Quartet in the Ecstatic Music Festival — Spektral Quartet

NYTimes: Julia Holter and the Spektral Quartet in the Ecstatic Music Festival

“First it was brusque, then eerie and sly. Julia Holter and the Spektral Quartet shared the Ecstatic Music Festival concert on Wednesday night at Merkin Concert Hall in a program that lingered in the cloudy zone where contemporary composition meets the pop song. In its sources and allusions, the concert took for granted the broad-spectrum musical erudition of current composers: hip-hop, medieval motets, Broadway, Impressionism, dubstep…

Ms. Holter and the quartet also performed Alex Temple’s song cycle “Behind the Wallpaper,” which, Ms. Temple has said, includes Ms. Holter’s music among its inspirations. The lyrics of the brief songs in “Behind the Wallpaper” sketch surreal transformations and spooky situations: a character who has been swallowing seawater and live fish, another wandering a house where the walls keep shifting. The songs were atmospheric with ambiguous tonality, drawing chuckles along with hushed curiosity. They quivered, hovered, paused and slipped in and out of ghostly waltzes before the last one, “Spires,” resolved into the sweet major chords of an old movie score’s happy ending, followed by the sound of rising waves — a flood, perhaps, drowning all the strangeness.”

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