Village Voice: Julia Holter and Spektral Quartet Embrace the Surreal for Ecstatic Music Festival

“Both the title and subject matter seemed to reference Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s feminist classic “The Yellow Wallpaper.” Though Temple’s character is not confined to one room, her odd visions signify the same descent into psychosis brought on by a life of mendacity. Holter’s exaggerated, elongated syllables and measured, bouncy tempo were more reminiscent of Björk’s timbre than Holter’s often more ethereal overtones. But the feeling of disorientation and displacement is one that Holter has previously examined, most notably on her 2013 LP, Loud City Song. ThoughLoud City takes an approach based more deeply in reality, “Behind the Wallpaper” felt like an exploration of a different side of the same spinning coin, a dizzying collage of dreamlike impressions cleverly obscuring a straightforward narrative.

While at times it was difficult to get a firm grasp on “Wallpaper,” there was also a sense that Temple wanted it that way — somewhere between avant-garde composition, mysterious artifact, and sci-fi thriller. Even at a time when genre tends to blur and bend, it’s still rare to see performances as unique and risky as this, and the combo of Holter’s bewitching vocal delivery and Spektral Quartet’s spirited strings provided an especially stirring showcase for the work. We have Ecstatic Music Festival to thank for that, at least in part. With upcoming pairings from ETHEL with Kaki King and John King, Xiu Xiu with Mantra Percussion, an 80th birthday celebration for Terry Riley, and a handful of others, there’s no shortage of distinctive, idiosyncratic events to give music fans plenty to feel ecstatic about.”

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